Our Team
Mithul Nallaka
Hi. My name is Mithul, and I am currently a senior at Brentwood High School. I’ve been working on the car for the last two years, and this project is one of the most interesting things I’ve taken part in. I built the hardware of our car using the RACECAR platform and well as set up the Jetson environment to connect our software and hardware seamlessly. Furthermore, I work on programming the control scheme as well as all our sensors in addition to creating and maintaining our devlog. I look to use this class as an opportunity to explore the hardware behind the growing field of autonomous vehicles and to explore the programming and mathematics behind it.
Mike Dillender
Pardhav Polavarapu
Benjamin Bussel
I’m a senior at Brentwood High working to eventually gain a degree in computer science. This is my second year in the class, but last year I was on a different team. My role in my current team is developing the libraries and software packages that allow the Jetson to communicate with the motors on the vehicle and develop protocols for parsing data from other components required by our car.
#Our Car